Monday, August 26, 2013

My words get lost in the morning heat.

It's Monday again. Not that that's a bad thing though since I haven't started school yet! Still, a realization struck me that is best expressed through the words of Ferris Bueller, the legendary fictional hero of the rebellious anthem of the youthful minds:
"Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it."

All our lives are focused on moving towards the future. What about wanting to hold onto the present? I quote movies pretty frequently but George from The Art of Getting By makes a good point when he says, "Like a nostalgia for the present, I couldn't shake it." I mean, though the present may suck sometimes, there is always that one moment that makes you wish it would last longer.

(Floral Blazer: Urban Outfitters, Top: vintage Black&Brown, Shorts: Urban Outfitters, Sandals: Urban Outfitters, Jewelry: DIY, Lipstick: Lancôme in Blushed Rose)

Anyways, to break out of that existential thought bubble, one thing I'm always drawn towards when I am out shopping is the color black (or the "absence of color"). You add black with a floral print and some metal jewelry to toughen up the look and presto! You've got yourself an outfit for the Monday blues. Plus, with tan skin like mine, I tend to flock towards dark colors to make my skin tone a little paler. To sum up my current obsessions at the moment, besides black clothes and creepy jewelry, I've also always had a thing for tattoos. (Not that I could actually get a real one without getting the frown of disapproval from my Asian parents for the rest of my life!) Temporary tattoos are a nice alternative to drawing on your hands and arms when you have nothing to do. They last longer! So now, an anchor and a lightning bolt reside on my wrists.

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